Supportting Documents

CWC 2022 Rules

Turbine Design

[1] Zheng, Ying-Ying κ.ά. ‘COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system’. Nature Reviews Cardiology 17.5 (2020): 259–260. Web.

[2] Kale, Sandip, και Ravindra Varma. ‘Aerodynamic Design of a Horizontal Axis Micro Wind Turbine Blade Using NACA 4412 Profile’. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (03 2014): 69–72. Web.

[2] Hwas, Abdulhamed, και Reza Katebi. ‘Wind Turbine Control Using PI Pitch Angle Controller’. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45.3 (2012): 241–246. Web.

Project Development

[1] Appendini, C. M., Torres-Freyermuth, A., Salles, P., López-González, J., & Mendoza, E. T. (2014). Wave climate and trends for the gulf of mexico: A 30-yr wave hindcast. Journal of Climate, 27(4), 1619–1632. Link

[2] BOEM. (2020). Offshore wind in the us gulf of mexico: Regional economic modeling and sitespecific analyses. Link

[3] Boem. (2020). Comparison of environmental effects from different offshore wind turbine foundations. Link

[4] crowley. (2021). Tugs and barges. Link

[6] Douglas-Westwood. (2013). Assessment of vessel requirements for the u.s. offshore wind sector. Link

[7] Fisheries, N. (n.d.). Welcome to noaa: Noaa fisheries. Link

[8] Furow Wind Software Etulos Solute, S.L. (2019). Furow (Version 2.1). Link

[9] Garrad Hassan America, I. (2014). Assessment of ports for offshoure wind development in the united states. (94-3402236),176. Link

[10] Green, J., Bowen, A., Fingersh, L. J., & Wan, Y. (2007). Electrical collection and transmission systems for offshore wind power: Preprint. Link

[11] Green, J., Bowen, A., Fingersh, L., & Wan, Y.-H. (2007). Electrical collection and transmission systems for offshore wind power. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.) Link

[12] Hewitt, C. (2021). 472-foot ship ’charybdis’ to install wind turbines out of new london. Link

[13] (n.d.)., B. (2021). Protected species in the gulf of mexico. Link

[14] Neumann, A. P., Mulroy, M. J., & Ebden, C. (2014). The use of 66kv technology for offshore wind demonstration sites [Copyright - Copyright The Institution of Engineering & Technology Sep 24, 2014; Last updated - 2016-03-29]. Link

[15] An ocean of information. (n.d.). Link

[16] Office of Energy Efficiency, U. S. D., Energy, R., Office of Energy. Office of Scientific, U. S. D., & Information, T. (2021). Offshore wind market report: 2021 edition. United States. Department of Energy. Office of Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energy.

[17] Severy M., T. L. bibinitperiod C. A., Overhus D. (n.d.). Environmental effects assessment for proposed offshore wind farm off the coast of grays harbor [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory].

[18] Sg 14-222 dd. (n.d.). Link

[19] Sidersky, R. F., By, Foster, R., & Sidersky, R. (2021). Siemens gamesa to build first u.s. offshore wind blade factory in portsmouth. Link

[20] Stromsta, K.-E. (2020). Us may host first factory for siemens gamesa’s 14mw offshore turbine. Link

[21] years ago en Community, E. D. 6., years ago en Construction, J. J. G. P. 6., & years ago en Services, P. H. 6. (2016). The role of ports in the offshore wind energy sector. Link