Alec Kostovny

Alec Kostovny

Logistics Manager

One of the things I was most excited about when starting this project was that it was a chance to work hands-on on a renewable energy project where I could learn the details of wind energy by building a scale turbine from the ground up. This was different to most senior design projects in that it was a great chance to build up my knowledge of sustainable energy by starting from the ground floor as opposed to working with a company where I would most likely be focused on a very specific aspect of wind energy. This project provided the oppurtunity for our team to create our own turbine and in the process learn invaluable skills for thinking about how sustainable energy comes to fruition in the real world.

My role on the team as the logistics manager was to help the project manager facilitate deadlines and delegate tasks so the team can run smoothly. Most of my time was spent putting myself in the best spot possible to help the team and plugging any holes we might have.

After graduation my plans are to continue on at CU and get my masters in Mechanical Engineering in the energy and environment track. Using my skills from this senior design project and the knowledge from a masters degree I want to work in the renewable energy industry by helping green technology become cheaper and more accessible for all communities.

In my free time I love to spend time in the mountains skiing, hiking, and backpacking. I also love to cook, do astrophotography, and am currently training for a half-Ironman.